List navigation |
Home page | Home page of the taxonomy |
Top level | res nonphysica Short Extended |
Level 2 | res presentationis Short Extended |
Subsidiary language with Latin | |
Non Latin primary language |
Ancestors |
Taxonomic list |
FMAID | TA | UID | Pair |
Short official Latin term
Short French equivalent
12682 |
res presentationis
entité de présentation
12683 |
res presentationis paginae
interface entity of page
12685 |
terminus paginae
title of page
11343 |
terminus paginae unitatis
title of unit page
12625 |
terminus paginae rei
title of entity page
14107 |
terminus paginae universalis
title of universal page
14187 |
terminus paginae definitionis
title of definition page
13189 |
terminus paginae partonomiae
title of partonomy page
13190 |
terminus paginae taxonomiae
title of taxonomic page
12626 |
terminus paginae presentationis
title of interface page
12660 |
terminus paginae generationis idiomae
title of language test page
14600 |
terminus paginae alphabeticalis
title of alphabetic page
14601 |
terminus paginae KWIC
title of KWIC page
14602 |
terminus paginae TA98
title of page TA98
12686 |
verbum paginae
word of page
12627 |
idioma primaria
primary language
12628 |
idioma subsidiaria
subsidiary language
12629 |
idioma presentationis
interface language
12630 |
opus in progressu
warning for work in progress
12663 |
auxilium in colorum
indicator of help on colors
12667 |
auxilium in pagina
warning for icon of help on this page
13211 |
verbum lineae
word for number of lines
13212 |
dies creationis
date of creation
12761 |
bulla paginae
bubble of page
14331 |
14333 |
label or identifier
14335 |
value or descriptive text
14341 |
lingua latina
text indicator in latin
14343 |
lingua anglica
English text indicator
14345 |
lingua gallica
text indicator in French
14347 |
lingua hispanica
spanish text indicator
14349 |
lingua russa
text indicator in Russian
12695 |
presentatio paginae
interface of page
12700 |
presentatio paginae generationis
interface of test page
12662 |
generatio gendri nominum
test of gender of nouns
12696 |
generatio gendri adjectivum
test of gender of adjectives
14368 |
generatio in absentia expansionis
test of terms without expansion
14390 |
generatio expansionis adjectivalis
test for adjectival expansion
12684 |
presentatio sectionis
interface of section
12694 |
terminus sectionis
title of section
12643 |
sectio identitatis
identification section
12653 |
sectio navigationis
navigation section
12703 |
sectio representationis
values of interface
13245 |
definitio sectionis
12655 |
sectio qualitatis
property section
12641 |
sectio termini latini
section of Latin term
12645 |
sectio termini anglici
section of English term
12647 |
sectio termini gallici
scetion of French term
12649 |
sectio termini iberici
section of Spanish term
12651 |
sectio termini russici
section of Russian term
14093 |
12657 |
sectio partonomiae brevae
section of light partonomy
12659 |
sectio partonomiae extendae
section of extended partonomy
12661 |
sectio taxonomiae
title of the section of taxonomy
13191 |
sectio navigationis albi
13192 |
sectio albi partonomici
13193 |
sectio albi taxonomici
12624 |
sectio albi representationis
13194 |
sectio notarum scientificarum
13195 |
sectio vestigiala
13225 |
sectio antecessoris taxonomici
section of taxonomic ancestors
13242 |
sectio definitionis taxonomici
section of taxonomic definition
12760 |
sectio occursium
occurrence section
13198 |
sectio trialis gendri nomini
14337 |
sectio Ftrialis gendri nomini
14339 |
sectio Rtrialis gendri nomini
14603 |
sectio TA98 trace
14558 |
10055 |
presentatio propria sectionis
proper interface of section
12688 |
presentatio sectionis identitatis
interface for identification section
12612 |
terminus latinus officialis
official Latin term
12613 |
terminus officialis
official term
12614 |
terminus formalis
formal term
12615 |
terminus subsidiaris officialis
official subsidiary term
12616 |
identitas rei
entity identifier
12617 |
identitas unitatis
unit identifier
12618 |
genus rei
entity type
12619 |
genus unitatis
type of unit
14310 |
genus corporeae
materiality type
12689 |
presentatio sectionis navigationis
interface for navigation section
12699 |
nomen sectionis navigationis
name for navigation section
14095 |
home page
home page
14096 |
terminus paginae initiae
title of home page
12701 |
vinculae rerum
entity-oriented links
12723 |
vinculae partonomicae
partonomic links
12725 |
vinculae taxonomicae
taxonomic links
13178 |
13179 |
album brevis
short list
13180 |
album longus
long list
13181 |
top level
top level
13182 |
level 2
level 2
13183 |
level 3
level 3
13184 |
current level
current level
13227 |
optio linguae
non Latin primary language
14108 |
optio linguae latinae
subsidiary language with Latin
13229 |
lingua latina
Latin language
13230 |
lingua anglica
English language
13231 |
lingua gallica
French language
13232 |
lingua hispanica
Spanish language
13233 |
lingua russica
Russian language
12644 |
presentatio sectionis albi presentationis
interface for the section of interface lists
12638 |
terminus columnae termini
text of interface
12642 |
terminus columnae bullae
text of column of bubble
13196 |
presentatio sectionis presentationis
interface for interface section
12664 |
terminus presentationis inglesi
texte of interface in English
12668 |
terminus presentationis gallici
French interface
12669 |
terminus presentationis iberi
Spanish interface
12704 |
terminus presentationis russi
Russian interface
12691 |
presentatio sectionis linguae
interface of language section
12697 |
terminus sectionis linguae
12634 |
terminus officialis
official term
12636 |
status termini officialis
term status
12632 |
terminus universalis
universal term
12639 |
terminus internus
internal term
12757 |
terminus vocabularis
vocabulary term
14097 |
status termini universalis
status of universal term
14135 |
status universalis modified
modified universal term
14098 |
status regularis
regular term
14099 |
status acceptalis
protected term
14100 |
status irregularis
irregular term
14175 |
14177 |
14179 |
14181 |
14183 |
14185 |
12698 |
bulla sectionis linguae
bubble of language section
12635 |
bulla termini principalis officialis
bubble of main official term
12637 |
12633 |
bulla termini universalis
bubble of universal term
12640 |
bulla termini interni
bubble of internal term
12758 |
bulla vocabularis
vocabulary bubble
14101 |
14136 |
14102 |
14105 |
14106 |
14176 |
14178 |
14180 |
14182 |
14184 |
14186 |
12692 |
presentatio sectionis partonomiae
interface of partonomic section
13201 |
13202 |
13203 |
13204 |
13205 |
13206 |
13207 |
13208 |
13209 |
13210 |
14188 |
14189 |
14190 |
12693 |
presentatio sectionis taxonomiae
interface of taxonomic section
13247 |
presentatio sectionis definitionis
interface for definition section
12764 |
presentatio sectionis occursium
interface for occurrences section
12765 |
12762 |
terminus nominis
heading of noun
8838 |
terminus adjectivi
heading of adjective
8839 |
terminus prefixis
heading of prefix
8840 |
12766 |
12763 |
bulla nominis
bubble of noun
8841 |
9939 |
9946 |
13199 |
presentatio sectionis testorum linguae
interface for section of language tests
13200 |
terminus in absentia
default term
13226 |
terminus in regula
term by rule
13243 |
terminus in excepta
term by exception
13246 |
terminus in alba
term by dictionary
13255 |
13252 |
14094 |
terminus resultas
term result
14241 |
terminus success
term of siccess
14255 |
terminus found
term found value
14309 |
terminus failures
term failures
14311 |
terminus instead
14316 |
terminus masculinus
14318 |
terminus femininus
14320 |
terminus neuter
14322 |
terminus entries
14329 |
terminus size
term size
14351 |
14353 |
14355 |
14357 |
14360 |
14362 |
14363 |
14364 |
14365 |
14366 |
12690 |
presentatio sectionis qualitatis
interface of property section
12729 |
terminus sectionis qualitatis
term of property section
12727 |
terminus qualitatis specificatio
term of specificity property
12730 |
genus specifitionis specificatus
type of specificity specific
12732 |
genus specifitionis genericus
type of specificity generic
12735 |
qualita dimensionis
property of dimension
12738 |
genus dimensionis tridimensionis
type of dimension tridimension
12745 |
terminus qualitatis corporea
term of the materiality property
12747 |
genus corporeus rei corporeae
type of materiality material entity
12748 |
terminus qualitatis rei incorporeae
12749 |
qualitatis compositionis
12752 |
12755 |
qualitatis generatio
12717 |
valor genus sectionis qualitatis
type value of property section
12706 |
12707 |
12708 |
12709 |
12710 |
12711 |
genus rei incorporea pariba
12712 |
12713 |
12714 |
12715 |
12716 |
12718 |
12743 |
genus rei res
12722 |
genus unitatis specificus
unit type specific
12744 |
genus unitatis unita
12751 |
12754 |
genus bilateralis par
type of bilaterality pair
12734 |
bulla sectionis qualitatis
bubble of property section
12728 |
bulla qualitatis specificatis
bubble of property specificity
12736 |
bulla qualitatis dimensionis
bubble for the dimension property
12746 |
bulla qualitatis corporea
bubble of property material
12750 |
bulla qualitatis compositionis
bubble of property composition
12753 |
bulla qualitatis bilateralis
bubbl of the property bilateral
12756 |
bulla qualitatis generationis
bubble of property generator
10054 |
bulla genus sectionis qualitatis
bubble of type of property section
12731 |
bulla valoris specificationis specificatus
bubble for specificity value specific
12733 |
bulla valoris specificationis genericus
bubble for specificity value generic
12737 |
bulla valoris qualitatis dimensionis 3
bubble of value of property tridimension
14133 |
presentatio generalis
general interface
14134 |
nomen par
word pair
14305 |
presentatio rei
entity presentation
14306 |
presentatio typi rei
presentation of entity type
14308 |
bulla typi rei
bubble for type entity
14369 |
bulla rei corporeae
bubble for material entity
14370 |
bulla rei incorporeae
bubble for immaterial entity
14373 |
bulla rei non physicae
bubble for non physical entity
14361 |
presentatio unitatis
unit presentation
12620 |
presentatio generis
interface of type
12621 |
presentatio generis corporei
presentation of type material
14312 |
genus corporeus
value material for the type material
14313 |
genus incorporeus
value immaterial for the type material
11789 |
genus mixus
value mixed for the type material
14314 |
genus non physicus
value non physical for the type material
12622 |
presentatio generis rei
interface of type of entity
12705 |
genus unspecificus
undefined type
14338 |
genus res simplex
type single entity
14340 |
genus generator paris
type pair generator
14342 |
genus par specificum
type specific pair
14344 |
genus membrum sinistrum paris
type left member of a pair
14346 |
genus membrum dextrum paris
type right member of a pair
14348 |
genus generator classis paris
type generator of paired set
14350 |
genus classis generici classis paired
type generator of a generic set of a paired set
14352 |
genus classis parie
type paired set
14354 |
genus membrum sinistrum classis paris
type left member of a paired set
14356 |
genus membrum dextrum classis paris
type right member of a paired set
14315 |
genus generator classis
type set generator
14307 |
genus classis specifica
type specific set
14359 |
genus generator classis mixi
type generator of mixed set
14358 |
genus classis mixi
type mixed set
14317 |
genus reference
type reference
14334 |
genus deleted
deleted type
14332 |
genus lexicalis
lexical type
14330 |
genus taxonomicus
taxonomic type
14328 |
genus standby
type standby
14319 |
genus album nominis
type vocabulary
14336 |
genus reference TA98
type reference TA98
14321 |
genus res representationis
type interface entity
12623 |
presentatio generis unitatis
unity type interface
12658 |
genus unspecificus
undefined type
12739 |
genus simplex
single type
12740 |
genus par
type pair
12742 |
genus unitatis par classis
unit type pair set
12741 |
genus unitatis classis
unit type set
14371 |
genus classis mixti
type mixed set
12648 |
genus referens
type reference
12650 |
genus del
type deleted
12652 |
genus lex
type lexical
12719 |
genus taxonomia
type taxonomy
12654 |
genus wait
type wait
12720 |
genus album nomini
type vocabulary
12656 |
genus dup
type duplicate
12721 |
genus int
type interface
293 items
Scientific notes |
Date: 04.08.2024 |